In my career, I have encountered individuals from all walks of life. Every single interaction has taught me a valuable lesson about human behavior, of which the most important being human resilience. I myself have lived through loss, heartbreak, bankruptcy, anxiety, depression, health scares, and many failures. At the age of 38, I decided I needed to make a change in my life. I needed to do more. I wanted to take all of my work experience and my life experience, and turn it into something powerful. I had a lot to give and no idea how to make that happen. And then I found a health and life coaching program.  

Initially, I struggled with the idea of going back to school. The thought of creating a new business from scratch was daunting. I had a full time job, which I loved. But, I didn’t know how I was going to find the time. Before I fully committed, I read a book on the suggested reading list. The instructor said that if this book spoke to you, then you were in the right place. The name of the book was, “Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead” by Brené Brown. This book changed my life. I read it cover to cover in six hours. I won’t ruin the book for you, but one of the main themes throughout the book is how to be brave with how you live your life; having the courage to pursue a dream, without knowing the outcome. I can’t explain the feeling, except that I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that I needed to become a Certified Health and Life Coach. I had never been so sure about anything in my life. And if I wasn’t already sold on the program, I received an email the next day from my book club. The book we would be reading was ….“Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead” by Brené Brown. Now, if that’s not serendipitous, I don’t know what is. 

Since that moment, I have not only been learning how to tap into my gifts as a coach, but I completed the exact program I am offering you.  I had to give myself permission to be brave with the next chapter of my life. I had to trust that I had value to give before the evidence was there. I learned to believe in my vision so much that it made my fears irrelevant. And I make an active choice, every single day, to not hide behind my fears, but have the courage to choose to live in my inspiring future.  

Today, I am so thankful that I took a risk and said YES to myself. I am a constant work in progress, but I love who I have become so far. You will too!

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Who am I?
I am the woman that’s going to change your life. But let me tell you how I got here…

I was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. I received a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Criminology from The Ohio State University. Go Buckeyes! I received a Masters Degree in Criminal Justice Administration from Loyola University Chicago and I am Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor II in the State of Ohio. I have worked in the criminal justice system since 2009 in several different capacities. However, my focus has been working with vulnerable populations including, but not limited to, those suffering from mental illness, drug addiction, homelessness, veterans of war, and victims of human trafficking.

about ashley

so glad you're here

 "I was feeling stuck and reliving past traumas over and over. I was frustrated and didn’t know how to move forward. I was emotionally and physically drained. Ashley listened to learn who I was. From there she helped me to discover where and who I wanted to be. Unlike therapy, she didn’t just listen-she helped me outline steps on how to reach my goals. Her enthusiasm and support made the process fun! Because of my coaching with Ashley, I’ve been able to move forward, reach my goals, and finally let go of my past."



"I was struggling with weight loss and low energy. I wasn't eating right, I wasn't sleeping, and I had no energy to be active in my daughter's life. Throughout the 90 day program, Ashley introduced small adjustments to my diet and my daily routine. I started to see the pounds shedding away and the energy level rising. It was incredible. Now, I feel like I am being the mom I was meant to be. I even signed up for another 90 days!"



"Ashley is a great listener and did a great job asking deeper questions that helped me think deeper. She creates a warm and inviting atmosphere that makes it easy to be yourself and be open with her. Highly recommend working with Ashley as a coach!"



what past clients are saying